Sunday, May 12, 2013

To Exist On Something Other Than a Scale - Day 390

  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that people will see me as less than others/not as interesting or as good as other people and thus turn their backs on me and leave or replace me with someone ‘better’ if I do not live up to and according to the norms, as the constant strive to obtain and become the ideals that are collectively being accepted as ideally within this society in terms of who and how I believe I must and should be and present myself to the world for others to see me as interesting enough/good enough/beautiful enough/worthy enough – and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear existing on something other than a scale, measuring one's alignment and affiliation with the ideal self-image consisting of what is being seen as external perfection in terms of who and how one is, behaves and looks – wherein I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to let go of the ideals that I have formed within the mind in relation to who and how I believe I must be and so present and portray myself to the world to prevent others from seeing me and the self-image I present as less than other people’s self-images – due to thinking and believing that the measurement of my personal value will decrease in the eyes of others if I let go of or do not fit into the frame of what I perceive and believe to be defined, encouraged and valued within this system as ‘the ideal self-image’, as who and how one must be and present themselves within this world to be approved and to be seen as worthwhile person.

  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear giving up the strive and attempt to fit into the frame of what is being seen as the ideal self-image in terms of what I perceive to be approved and valued externally in the context of how and who a person should and require to be for others to praise, validate and value the being – where I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I will get exchanged/replaced with someone else within the relationships that I have - thinking and believing that I won’t stand a chance against people that I perceive to be more aligned and ranked higher on the scale that measure one’s alignment and affiliation with the ideal self-image, and so believing that I would consequentially be replaced within the relationships that I have with other people.

  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise and limit myself and my life through placing greater importance and value on external validation than on creating a relationship with me where I place value and importance on who I am and on establishing unconditional self-acceptance, where I have allowed the approval of others to be the standard by which I gauge my own worth – instead of seeing and realizing that letting my perception of someone else’s opinion shape the view I have of myself is actually a deliberate decision, wherein I decide to absorb and incorporate the perception I form of what others think of me – and that I thus have the ability, the capacity and the responsibility to stop placing value and importance on external feedback and my perception of whether I manage to live up to the ideal self-image or not – where I see and realize that I am dishonoring, compromising and wasting my life and so myself as who I am through accepting and allowing myself to attempt and try to mold and change myself into becoming someone else externally – where nothing within me, as my internal circumstances, will or can change through external adjustments and alterations.

  • When and as I see that fear emerges within me due to perceiving myself as who I am, what I accomplish or how I look, to be inadequate/not good enough/not aligned with what is referred to as ideally or affiliated with the belief I have formed within the mind towards what an ideal self-image is – I stop and I breathe – within this I commit myself to assist and support myself through taking a moment to breathe and ground myself here, where I no more accept and allow myself to feed and empower such internal fear and belief of myself and my worth as being defined and gauged by how close or how far away I am from the image I have formed within the mind in relation to what the ideal self-image is – but instead I commit myself to assist and support myself to immediately stop my participation, bring myself back to here and in that focus on what matters in terms of who I am and what I accept and allow within - and so I make sure that I direct and move myself to not accept and allow any further participation within perceptions of myself that are based on comparisons with the idea I have formed of what an ideal self-image is but instead I reassert myself within the moment to assist and support myself to ground myself here through breath.

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