Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Can You Control What Others Will Think of You? - Day 401

  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the outcome and possible consequences of people not forming a positive opinion, perception and idea of me – in where I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that my safety, my life and I would be in danger and threatened if and when another person/people would form opinions, ideas or perceptions of me that are based on negativity and disapproval and that I thus have to protect myself, my life and my own safety through making sure that who I am when being with or around others/another is aligned with what that specific person/people prefer and approves of and so aligned with what will activate and generate positive reactions and responses within the beings/being that I am encountering – not seeing or realizing that I can in no way control other people’s reactions or responses – because I see and realize that people will react differently to different types of behaviors within people – which then shows me that how a person reacts or respond to a certain behavior or another being is merely a result of how that person has created their mind, where the opinions and possible experiences are merely products of memories – which I see within myself and so realize within myself, that what I react to and how I react, what activates, triggers and generates experiences and reactions and responses within me through external circumstances and other people, are merely products and results of my past, my memories in regards to what I have connected to certain conditions, behaviors, words, pictures etc. wherein the things I’ll see and hear through others, through their words and behaviors, are something that I have, within the mind, formed and linked specific experiences, perceptions, ideas and opinions to and towards – but it has nothing to do with the person/people I meet here and now, since the opinions and experiences already exists within me – and they merely get triggered and activated by certain conditions and situations as a result of the memories that I have formed and linked to certain behaviors, words etc. – and so, I see realize and understand that fearing other people’s minds, that fearing the possibility of standing as a point or dimension that will trigger, activate and generate negatively charged opinions, experiences and perceptions within another/other people is really conditioning and compromising and limiting my life and my relationship to me – where I see and realize that what I want for myself within my life and within my relationship to me and my relationship with others is for me to focus on BEING ME, on living the courage to stand for, stand by and stand WITH who I am in the sense of assisting and supporting myself to be stable within myself, and so trust myself within who I AM in every moment – that living my life in fear of how others entire mind works is very, very silly, as I see and realize that I cannot control others reactions since reactions and opinions and responses are merely outflows and outcomes of the person’s past and memories and their history, childhood and so what they have been presented with within their lives – and I realize that who I am will be seen through a veil and layer that are based on the beings past as their inhabited preferences and the specific connections they have formed and linked between behaviors/words and internal responses/experiences.

  • And so therefor I commit myself to assist and support myself in practical reality when I am encountering or participating with other beings through being aware of the tendency I have of going into fear of not pleasing and getting approval from others due to the belief and idea that my safety, my life and I am at risk if the self-image that I present in some way activates, triggers or generates negatively charged opinions, perceptions and experiences within another or other people – and so within that I commit myself to practically support myself when and as I see myself going into fear of other people’s possible reactions/experiences/opinions and so the urge to mold, adjust and change myself to protect myself and ensure that I do not contribute to activating negatively charged experiences within another – where I within this stop and breathe, where I see and realize that I cannot control other people’s reactions or the process behind what triggers reactions, opinions and experiences within another’s mind – and within that I also realize that it’s the mind’s reaction, not even the real person – therefor I commit myself to direct myself out of the fear, bring myself back to here where I stand up within myself and decide to focus on BEING ME, and so, within moments where I see that I am accessing fear of triggering reactions that are based on negativity within other people’s minds I re-instruct myself to stop my participation in fear and instead focus on being me, where I no more accept and allow myself to live my life in fear of how others entire mind works but to instead establish and live the courage to be me and so trust myself and my capacity to stand up for myself, as I realize that I now have the capacity to protect and stand up for myself, thus I do not require or need to fear other’s negatively charged internal experiences.

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