Saturday, May 11, 2013

Obliterating The Ideal Self-Image - Day 389

  • I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and form an ideal within the mind, consisting of the self-image that I desire and want myself to be and become – as the idea I have of who or what I have to be, as who I think and believe that I require to become for me to be able to be satisfied with myself, for me to be able to stop judging myself as inadequate and for me to be able to be confident and stop comparing and stop competing with others – not seeing or realizing that what fuels and empowers this internal experience of having to become something or someone else then who I am and believe myself to be, as what I have allowed myself to define myself as and by, to be able to become comfortable, confident and satisfied with and within myself is my own participation, where I realize that I accept and allow myself to actually take the decision to deliberately go into, give value to and trust the idea that comes up within the mind as an imagination of it being ‘who I am’ that is the problem, that is lacking, not seeing and realizing that it is not the ‘who I am’ that is what needs to be changed or aligned with the internal ideal I have formed, but it is rather the definitions, perceptions and ideas I have in relation to who I am and how I see myself that I require to change and recreate and that what needs to be stopped is the value I allow myself to give to the ideal I have formed within the mind – where I see and realize that the ideal I have formed within the mind is based on external knowledge and information which I have given value to and trusted to be what and who I need to be and become – where I have essentially brainwashed myself into trusting and incorporating external messages and propaganda in regards to ‘who and how one should be’ – instead of giving myself the opportunity to trust myself to look within me, and so trust the actual understanding I have in relation to how external messages about what is ideal and what is not, are not in any way based on what is really in fact valuable within a human being – as each being’s individual expression – wherein what is being taught and encouraged within the system are rather the opposite – and I mean; how fun would it be if every being became just copy of each other, just a bunch of clones? Is that the type of world I would want to live within? No – so I see, realize and understand that I would rather see individuals that actually dare living self-expression,  that dare standing up for who they are as their real beingness, and so within this I see and realize that I have the responsibility to be what I want to see within this world in terms of no more accepting and allowing myself to attempt and try to be and become the ideal I have formed within the mind as the apparent perfect self-image just so that I can experience it as though I fit into the frame of what is being seen as an acceptable image that I can present to the world – but to instead investigate, find out and explore who I REALLY am, what it REALLY means to live self-expression and within that practically establish self-acceptance where I live the courage that I wish to see within this world, within other people – and so realize that that would actually be so much more awesome than what it would be to become just a clone, just another copy of the images and ideals that is being imposed from this external world and reality – I mean, how can I trust this society, when actually looking at how this system functions, to tell me who I should be – when looking outside of myself and seeing the result of what we have collectively accepted and promoted and followed and complied with?

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